Eastern North Carolina
BLUEGRASS Association

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Photo courtesy of Carol Tyndall

 The Following are the Assoc. Officers for 2014

Gene Antwine- President

Carol Tyndall - Vice President

Donna Bean- Secretary/Treasurer                     

Hugh Banks - Board Member/Stage Manager

Ann Banks - Board Member/Publicity

Susan Coombs -  Director

Charles Antwine -  Sound Tech.

Justin Banks - Volunteer/Cashier

Current Board Members,

      Staff & Volunteers


Due to the state of the economy, we have had to increase our membership dues and have created a new Single person membership.  The fees will be as follows:

 Effective:   July 13, 2013

$60.00 Annual Family Membership

$35.00 Single Person Membership

$7.00 Price at the Door

Children under 12 free


It is with sadness that I am posting that the ENC Bluegrass Assoc. has ceased operation as of this month.  Not shutting down completely, will be looking for another place that is less expensive to revive the Assoc.  Thanks...


We are a non-profit organization promoting bluegrass music as clean, wholesome entertainment for the entire family. The Eastern North Carolina Bluegrass Association was formed on a voluntary basis and is State-chartered as a non-profit club. The by-laws assure that the organization is for the benefit of all. 

The Eastern North Carolina Bluegrass Association meets the second Saturday of each month at Lenoir Community College.  Doors open at 6:00 p.m. with the first band going on stage at 7:00 pm.   

 We need to increase our membership and attendance.  If anyone has a suggestion on how to do this please contact me or Carol Tyndell.  We need all the help we can get so that we can keep this forum of the Preservation of Bluegrass Music in Eastern NC...   Thank You

I would like to take this moment to let you all know who do come here that I have not stopped looking for a place to revive the association.  It is not easy getting turned down everywhere I go and ask about a venue or being told what they want for a nights rent.  It is amazing how much greed there is when you are trying to preserve one of the Performing Arts.   I will continue to look for us a place.  If I ever hit the big lottery, I'll build us a place.... LOL...





Good folks having good times!

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This Photo is the ENC Bluegrass Assoc. board members for 2014...